Monday, December 30, 2019

Various Forms of Marketing Communication - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2323 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Marketing Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? INTRODUCTION The marketing concept is all about achieving corporate goals by meeting and exceeding customer needs better than the competition. The way to do this is for companies to consider what value they are proposing to offer to their customers and once this decision is made, decide how to communicate this message to their customers/marketplace (Fahy Jobber, 2012). It is considered that there are 3 main elements to the marketing communication mix: tools, media and messages (Baines Fill, 2014). Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Various Forms of Marketing Communication" essay for you Create order This essay is concerned with the outline and critique of the first two of these, tools and media. TOOLS The range of techniques or tools for communication is called the promotional mix: advertising, sales promotion, public relations, personal selling, direct marketing and online promotion (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2013). Whilst marketing as a subject places a lot of emphasis on the promotional mix, research looking at the influence of promotional mix on the sales turnover of an organisation faced with strong competitors indicated that promotional mix only influenced sales by 25% of the change And other factors such as the product itself, pricing and distribution accounted for the larger 75% (Sunday Bayode, 2011). Advertising A paid form of non-personal communication about an organisation and its products (Dibb, et al., 2012, p. 495). Advertising is generally a mass marketing communication technique as its non -personalised message means that it can be aimed at a wide audience. Its key characteristics are that it can help build awareness because it can reach a wide audience. Also, depending upon the media used to advertise, it can create a strong brand position and it can support the sales effort because it raises awareness. However, by its very nature it is impersonal and as such cannot answer specific questions. Further to this, it has limited ability to close a sale as this normally requires an additional interaction over and above the ad itself. There are strong and weak theories of advertising (Baines Fill, 2014). The strong theory assumes that advertising can increase sales for a brand and for a product within that brand, and the weak theory assumes that consumers are driven by habit rather than exposure to advertising communications. Clearly these are two extremes and the reality is that the effectiveness or otherwise of advertising lies somewhere along the scale and is influenced by other factors apart from simply brand or habit. In marketing, it is considered that advertising decisions are those that are most affected by cultural differences and as such it can be extremely challenging to get the right blend of advertising and sales promotion effort (Ghauri Cateora, 2014). Sponsorship and celebrity endorsements are also forms of advertising. Growing interest in celebrities today has led to an increasing use of celebrities in brand and product advertising. Some target markets look to identify closely with their celebrity idols and as such many companies believe that celebrities are particularly useful for targeting a specific market. Evidence suggests however, that campaigns featuring celebrities are not necessarily any more successful than those which use som e other form of creativity to capture a consumer but that the use of celebrities can have an impact on brand and reputation based on their own behaviours (Pringle, 2004), so whilst some research suggests that they do not create as much value as might be thought, other research certainly points to the damage that can be caused by negative publicity surrounding celebrities (Thwaites, et al., 2012). Sales Promotions Sales promotions offer incentives such as competitions and special offers to consumers to try to stimulate a purchase (Fahy Jobber, 2012). These can provide a quick boost to sales but the effects may only last for a short while during the promotional activity and overuse may damage brand image as it can create quality concerns or leave the consumer not believing in the value of the product. Public Relations Public relations provides the opportunity to communicate information without paying for it directly. It is considered to be highly credible because the message is coming from a third party. Depending upon where the publicity is, it can result in higher readership than advertising placements but it does mean that there is loss of control of the content (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2013). In research looking at the use of public relations in FMCG businesses in the UK which traditionally utilise advertising and sales promotion using publicity rather than public relations, it was found that public relations appeared to be gaining in emphasis and expenditure in the firms interviewed for the research (Kitchen, 1993). The research however, was unclear as to the effectiveness of the increased use. Personal Selling This is oral selling directly with the purchaser (Fahy Jobber, 2012). The key characteristics of this type of communication is that it is interactive so questions can be answered and concerns addressed immediately. Because it is a verbal communication, the approach can be adapted depending upon the customer needs. This personal aspect also means that relationships can be established and as such it can have longer lasting effects in regards to follow on sales and complimentary items. Personal selling obviously lead to sales closure but it is costly and time consuming. Direct Marketing Direct marketing encompasses all the communications tools that enable a marketer to deal directly with targeted customers (Dibb, et al., 2012, p. 501). This includes direct mail, telemarketing, responsive TV, door to door and the internet. This is deemed to be the fastest growing communication tool largely as a result of the internet growth (Dibb, et al., 2012). Direct marketing communication can be personalised and its effectiveness can be easily and quickly measured. It is possible to build a relationship through contact and therefore ensure ongoing sales and it is not visible to competitors. However, it is slow and the response rates are often low and it can create annoyance and frustration in consumers if it is incorrectly targeted. Online Promotion/Digital Promotions This is the promotion of products to consumers and businesses through digital media channels (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2013, p. 514). It offers the following key characteristics: ability to reach global audiences with ease, highly measurable, interactive and although not quite as quick as personal selling as it can nonetheless be very rapid and it is easy to adapt, change and react. It can however, be a significant cost to develop an appropriate website and there are security risks to consider. It is also transparent for competitors to see but most companies today however, do have a website that is a key element in their marketing efforts (Mohr, et al., 2010). MEDIA There are a number of classes of media including broadcast which encompasses television and radio, print which is the press and magazines and digital such as the internet. There are other classes such as out-of-home, in-store and other such as cinema and exhibitions but these other classes are secondary in nature as they are more limited in the audience they reach or are able to target (Baines Fill, 2014). Broadcast Television and radio offer the opportunity to reach mass audiences. It is often considered to be expensive but due to the large mass that can be reached it is a relatively low cost and given that it is visual and/or sound based the communications can be effectively brought to life in order to convey the marketing message. Both television and radio can tell stories and appeal to emotions which is more difficult to do with print based media. Broadcast television can demonstrate the product in use but once advertised it cannot be referred to again by the consumer unlike print which can be kept. There are increasing threats to the effectiveness of television advertising today as people are able to use their recording technologies to avoid watching ads. At the same time improvements in digital technologies mean that costs are falling and so even television broadcast can begin to be tailored to smaller audiences who can be targeted by geographical area or special interest groups (Jobb er Ellis-Chadwick, 2013). There are clear signs that television networks are beginning to pay more attention to the viewer complaints about the extent of advertising with many networks such as CBS, Fox, MTV and cable TV in general now showing either lower minutes per hour in ads or the growth in minutes per hour slowing down. This will increase the cost of advertising as there will be less time and space available but it may improve the effectiveness of the ads as the reduced volume may allow consumers to consider those that they do see more thoroughly (Wall Street Journal, 2007). Radio broadcast is clearly sound limited but as such is most effective in communicating factual information and it can be targeted by paying for advertising at specific times of the day. Furthermore, its effectiveness has increased with digital technology which can now allow listeners to view some limited information in their digital displays while the ad is running. Print Print consists largely of newspapers and magazines and is considered to be effective at delivering messages to target audiences (Baines Fill, 2014). Pictures can help show off a product or demonstrate its use as well as words to describe the product and its benefits. It does give control to the consumer in that they can determine how long they want to read the information for. Again though, this is a changing medium as the increase in tablet use means that press is now also delivered digitally allowing for some of the printed information to then be developed into full digital marketing using click through technologies (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2013). Digital Digital media includes the internet, online marketing, wireless, mobile and interactive television. Digital media allows the opportunity for a two way communication. It allows a business to gain feedback and interact with the customer. Digital interactions are high speed, low cost and usually have great clarity. Because space and time in other media channels such as television or print are limited, cost can increase as demand for the space and time increases but space is unlimited on the internet and as such costs per contact with customers actually falls as more and more customers are reached. Within each type of media, the decision on which tool to utilise still needs to be determined. Advertising can clearly use all 3 but they each offer different advantages and disadvantages from a marketing perspective. Digital is relatively cheap compared to broadcast and print as well as being more flexible in that it is easier to update quickly to respond to changes. Internet adverts can also incorporate games and entertainment which is more difficult with regular broadcast and not possible with print. Because internet adverts can be interactive they can also be more personalised and they can be location based. They can advertise something by accessing the location of consumers and targeting them very specifically. Many companies already do this by pinging to mobile phones in the area that the customer is in. The biggest setback to internet advertising is that consumers can view them as intrusive. Pop-ups suffer more consumer complaints than other types of advertising, internet or other (Baines Fill, 2014). Furthermore, research comparing old and new media channels in respect of their attributes and to determine effectiveness found that the traditional broadcast and print channels were still perceived by consumers, including younger consumers, as more reliable and trustworthy in their messaging (Danaher Rossiter, 2011). Further research supports that by Dan aher Rossiter referred to above, in concluding that the most effective advertising channels are the traditional media of television and direct mail and that although these are still the most expensive, the expense appeared to be worthwhile. Radio was found to be consistently effective whereas online display ads were consistently ineffective (Danaher Dagger, 2013). CONCLUSION This is a rapidly changing environment for businesses and their consumers. Some believe that successful companies will engage customers through omnichannel retailing: a mashup of digital and physical experiences (Rigby, 2011). The world today is an offers a wide range of easily accessible information for consumers and businesses and it is easy to imagine how ideas and interactions can lead to greater success for businesses if they can find the right balance to address the consumers and deliver to their expectations. Each marketing tool and media channel has advantages and disadvantages and the reality is that effective marketing should look to an appropriate combination of the promotional mix delivered via a range of media to ensure that it makes the right offer to consumers using the most effective method to deliver its message. References Baines, P. Fill, C., 2014. Marketing. 3rd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Danaher, P. J. Dagger, T. S., 2013. Comparing the Relative Effectiveness of Advertising Channels. Journal of Marketing Research, 50(4), pp. 517-534. Danaher, P. J. Rossiter, J. R., 2011. Comparing perceptions of marketing communication channels. European Journal of Marketing, 45(1/2), pp. 6-42. Dibb, S., Simkin, L., Pride, W. M. Ferrell, O. C., 2012. Marketing: Concepts Strategies. 6th ed. Andover: Cengage Learning EMEA. Fahy, J. Jobber, D., 2012. Foundations of Marketing. 4th ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Ghauri, P. N. Cateora, P., 2014. International Marketing. 4th ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Jobber, D. Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2013. Principles and Practice of Marketing. 7th ed. Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill Education. Kitchen, P. J., 1993. Public Relations: A Rationale for Its Development and Usage within UK Fast-moving Consumer Goods Firms. European Journal of Ma rketing, 27(7), pp. 53-75. Mohr, J., Sengupta, S. Slater, S., 2010. Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Pringle, H., 2004. Celebrity Sells. 1st ed. Chichester: Wiley. Rigby, D., 2011. The Future of Shopping. Harvard Business Review, 89(12), pp. 64-75. Sunday, A. Bayode, B., 2011. Strategic Influence of Promotional Mix on Organisation Sale Turnover in the Face of Strong Competitors. Management Marketing Craiova, Issue 1, pp. 67-76. Thwaites, D., Lowe, B., Monkhouse, L. L. Barnes, B. R., 2012. The Impact of Negative Publicity on Celebrity Ad Endorsements. Psychology Marketing, 29(9), pp. 663-673. Wall Street Journal, 2007. Marketing Media. Wall Street Journal (eastern Edition), p. B.2.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Negative Effects Of Helicopter Parenting - 800 Words

â€Å"Okay class we are going to start art today by drawing a picture of you and your family!† said the teacher to a group of second graders. A few minutes later she goes around the room to check on the kids work, â€Å"Jimmy why are you drawing a helicopter? You are supposed to be drawing your family.† Jimmy replies, â€Å"This is my family. The helicopter is my parents.† According to Chrystyna D. Kouros, the Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology at Southern Methodist University, â€Å"Helicopter parenting is a pattern of parenting that includes high levels of warmth and support, but also high levels of control and low autonomy.† Helicopter parenting is a becoming a highly used form of parenting because parents want to be fully involved in the†¦show more content†¦These parents tend to have a considerable social media following whether that be through a blog or Instagram. Schools can use this to their advantage by having these paren ts talk about upcoming fundraisers, impending change that needs to be made, and how they think highly about the school. They can also channel the influence that these parents have in the society. When something needs to be done, whether it be getting a referendum passes or proposing changes to the school board these are the parents you call on to back you because they tend to have a strong influence in the community. This is such a great use for helicopter parents, but what about the effects on children? OBJECTION TO ARGUMENT: Though helicopter parenting has a positive effect on schools it has a negative effect on the children of these parents. According to a study done by Kouros, â€Å"A sample of 118 undergraduate students completed measures of parenting and mental health and well-being. The results showed that higher levels of helicopter parenting predicted lower levels of well-being for females, whereas higher levels of autonomy support predicted lower levels of dysphoria symptoms and social anxiety among males.† This study proves that there is a correlation to the well-being of a child and the parenting type that the parent chooses. Thought the study does not fully support my thesis, it does show parenting styles have a greater effect on females. This is due to the fact that females are more vulnerableShow MoreRelatedHelicopter Parenting Is A Metaphor1014 Words   |  5 PagesHelicopter parenting is a metaphor that describes a style of parenting where parents act as helicopters hovering or sha dowing over their children. The term coined by pop culture as â€Å"helicopter† or â€Å"hovering† parenting for the parenting style that typically contains some type of control or involvement in a child’s life (Padilla-Walker and Nelson, 2012: 1178). 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I believe there are three types of parents today: the Consultants, the Helicopters, and the Drill Sergeants. In this essay, I will discuss and explain each of these types of parents. I will also discuss the type of parent I believe I am, and how my parenting style may affect my children in the future. The Consultant Parents is a loving and logical parent that provides guidance and consultant services for children

Friday, December 13, 2019

Psy 240 Appendix C Free Essays

There are four stages of sleep, stage 1 occurs when the person decides it’s time to fall asleep. Initially in stage 1 alpha waves start waxing and waning bursts of 8-12 Hz’s EEG. This is when we are alert at our wake fullness. We will write a custom essay sample on Psy 240 Appendix C or any similar topic only for you Order Now Stage one sleep RRG is low voltage but high frequency signal. As the stages progress into stage 2 there’s a gradual increase in EEG voltage and decrease in EEG frequency. Stage 2 has a higher amplitude and lower frequency and also has two wave forms, k complexes and sleep spindles. Stage 3 is Delta waves, which are the largest and slowest EEG waves. Stage 4 is essentially the predominance of delta waves. Throughout the night the body goes through these 4 stages numerous times. It is a continuous cycle until the body fully awakes. Stage one is also the REM sleep stage and is where a person dreams. There are five common belies of dreams the first being, that external stimuli can become incorporated into dreams. Second, dreams last only an instant. Third, some people claim that they do not dream. Fourth, penile erections are assumed to be related to sexual dreams. And lastly, sleepwalking and sleep talking occur only when dreaming. There are two theories related to dreams, the first being Freud’s theory. He believes that dreams are triggered by unacceptable repressed wishes, often of a sexual nature. The second is activation synthesis theory of Hobson’s, he believed that during REM sleep many brain stem circuits become active and bombard the cerebral cortex with neural signals. He believes that a dream is the cerebral cortex’s way of taking all the random thoughts and making sense of them all. I agree with Hobson, I believe that all the random events throughout the day put together the dream. Freud’s theory does not seem legitimate to me because not everyone has negative or unacceptable wishes nor is every dream a sexual. More often than not my dreams comprise of random and often times very confusing acts. Thus is the reason why I agree with Hobson. How to cite Psy 240 Appendix C, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A Summary Of The Book Of Ruth free essay sample

Essay, Research Paper A Summary of the Book of Ruth By Sharon C. Martinez The book of Ruth is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, it is one of the five coils. It takes topographic point in a clip of Judaic history when the Judgess ruled over Israel from 1370 to 1010 BC. The narrative Tells of Naomi married woman of Elimelech of the folk of Judah. Elimelech moved his household from the Promised Land to Moab during a terrible dearth. Naomi stayed in land of Moab for 10 old ages, during this clip she lost her hubby and two boies. Naomi returned to her hometown of Bethlehem impoverished. Her Moabite girl in jurisprudence Ruth insist on following Naomi proclaiming your? people will be my people, your place my place, your God will be my God. ? Out of concern for her female parent in jurisprudence, Ruth begins to reap in the Fieldss. She happens to be reaping in the field of a affluent kinsman named Boaz. At this point Ruth is incognizant that Boaz can deliver her. Boaz has heard of Ruth? s kindness towards Naomi and treats her well telling his retainers to go forth a small grain behind and to non call on the carpet her but to handle her well. By the terminal of the harvest Naomi knows Boaz is a close Jesus kinsman and advises Ruth to seek out Boaz by dark on the threshing floor. Ruth entreats Boaz to accept duty of the following of family and to deliver the lucks of the household. Boaz agrees, but does non disgrace Ruth on the threshing floor for he knows there is a kinsman nearer so he. After dutifully asseverating that the nearer kinsman will non take duty, Boaz legitimately takes Ruth for his married woman. She bears a boy, who is given to Naomi. The kid? s name is Obed. He is to go the Grandfather of King David. Ruth was a adult female of bravery, religion, and trueness. She proves this by following her mother- in- jurisprudence into a land hostile to the Moabite people. Ruth is faithful to her female parent in jurisprudence even though she could bear no more boies. Ruth proves her trueness by non reaping in any other field and traveling to the convulsing floor of Boaz as Naomi asked her to. Scripture tells us in Deut. 23:3 that no Moabite could come in the temple of the Lord down to tenth coevals. We besides read in Bible that the Israelites were out to take a married woman from the Moabites presumptively because the Moabite people came from the incestuous relationship between Lot and his girls. The Moabite civilization was similar to that of the Hebrew and they besides shared the same linguistic communication. The state was non that far in modern clip? s apprioxamenttly 50 stat mis from Bethlehem. Harmonizing to the ( Catholic Encyclopedia Volume X ) , the Highlandss are the great majority of these districts. They form a table-land about 3000 pess above the Mediterranean, or 4300 pess above the dead sea, lifting easy from north to south, holding steep western inclines, and separated eastward from the desert by low, turn overing hills. The geology of this about trees less tableland is the same as that of the scope of western Palestine, but its clime is unquestionably colder. In the spring, its limestone hills are covered with grass and wild flowers, and parts of the tableland are now seeded with maize. In Old Testament times, Moab was an first-class grazing land ( IV male monarchs three, 4 ) and its population was much more considerable than at present twenty-four hours. At the clip that Naomi went into the land there was a period of friendly intercourse between Moab and Israel. The Moabites were polytheists. They worshipped Chamos as their national God ; they besides worshipped Asthar and Baal. Their faith is non to the full known but it is a common belief that they sacrificed worlds and did many impure rites in there worship of foreign Gods. No admiration the Lord commanded his people to maneuver clear of these heathens and there patterns. The Biblical history starts of stating us that the Judges ruled over Israel and that the land was sing a terrible dearth. Elimelech in a diminished religious status took his household to remain in the land of Moab. I have to oppugn this determination because the Bible does non state us of any others migrating out of Israel which leads me to believe that the dearth was non so terrible that he could hold survived it. Why did he non take to endure with his people in the Promised Land? Elimelech was the male parent of two boies named Mahlon and Kilion, which meant illness and ingestion. Were these names prophetic of the coming clip to the household or merely were they named that manner due to the deficiency Elimelech and Naomi were sing in the land of Bethlehem at the clip of birth? Elimelech died in the land of the Moabites I wonder if his castanetss were buried in his hometown or did they lay him to rest in a foreign state and non the Promised Land? After his decease, his boies married Moabite adult females ; one named Oprah and the other one named Ruth, offending the commandments of God. Soon after they besides died. Ten old ages subsequently Naomi impoverished, broken, and wastes, hears that the Lord is supplying for his people. She longs for the familiar milieus of place. Naomi packed her properties and headed for her fatherland, her daughters- in- jurisprudence journeyed with her all the manner she is speaking to them of the Judaic imposts. Custom by usage they traveling farther from Moab. Oprah begins to inquire if she can populate life consequently and Naomi begins to inquire if her Moabite girls in jurisprudence could manage the rigorous convents by which the Judaic people lived. Naomi bid her two daughters- in- Torahs to travel place, but they urged her to allow them go on. Naomi persisted until eventually Oprah wept and kissed her female parent in jurisprudence adieu. Ruth clung to Naomi pleading with her to non take a firm stand she return to Moab. Was Ruth so hungry to see the plants of the mighty God that she would go forth her household and state? Surely she had heard how the Lord con tinually delivered and provided for his people. Did she long to see him move on her behalf. She said to? Naomi your God shall be my God, you? re place my place and your people, my people. ? ( King James ) Naomi and Ruth arrived in Bethlehem at the clip of the Barley crop. God had provided a manner of flight even though it was non yet made field. Without nutrient or proviso and no adult male in the family to care for them, the low Ruth asked if she could reap in the Fieldss, in other words, she said I would implore for nutrient to feed us. Naomi agreed what a despairing province she had been reduced to. Ruth gleaned all twenty-four hours in the Fieldss with people she did non cognize. Not holding permission from the landholder and barely garnering a morsel, she continued till eventide. Boaz the landholder arrived and greeted his workers favourably seemingly pleased with the manner things were traveling for he blessed his workers. I can see Boaz looking over his Fieldss and detecting a immature adult female, he has non hired, and asks his chief who is this adult female reaping in my Fieldss. They explained to Boaz she is Ruth the Moabite the daughter- in- jurisprudence of Naomi. Even though Ruth has forsaken a ll for her new state, she is still looked upon as a alien and alien in their land. She is non merely a alien but besides a hapless adult female. Ruth has left all. I? thousand certain the staff of life flowed freely in the land of Moab and here no 1 will even ask for them to dinner. She has become a mendicant and she is good cognizant of her lowly province. Boaz commands his immature work forces to go forth a small grain behind for her. He approaches Ruth and speaks kindly to her biding her to non reap in another field but to remain in his Fieldss where she is safe. Ruth bows to the land at Boaz? s pess she is profoundly thankful for the kindness. She is restored in her herself that she has found kindness in the land of the life. All of the sudden she is no longer a mendicant or stealer she has permission to remain with Boaz? s misss and imbibe from their H2O. Surely she raised her voice in gratefulness to the God of Naomi who has now become her Lord God. Naomi is waiting. Evening has now come and where is Ruth. Naomi is watching for the lone individual who still loves her and attentions for her. She sees Ruth coming with about an ephah of wheat, Naomi is amazed and asks who has showed you this kindness. Cryings of joy autumn from her eyes, for she knows God has non deserted her but how, who would be so generous. Ruth where have you been reaping at Naomi asks excitedly. Ruth tells her of the yearss events. Naomi blesses the Lord for she knows that Boaz is a Redeemer Kinsman. Naomi so tells Ruth, do precisely as this adult male tells you for he is a kinsman. That dark Naomi slept good, blessing the Lord for all his kindness for he has non left her waste. At the direction of Boaz and Naomi, Ruth stays in Boaz? s Fieldss all through the barley crop reaping with his servant misss. She worked all twenty-four hours in the Fieldss and so made her manner into town to return to Naomi, conveying her the yearss work. Ruth must hold been treated really good since all knew she was closely related to Boaz. It was besides good known among the people of Bethlehem that she had forsaken all to remain with Naomi. Loyalty and fidelity where good regarded in those yearss as in our society today. As the crop was coming to a stopping point, Naomi says to Ruth, ? should I non seek to happen a place for you, where you will be good provided for? ? ( The International Inductive Study Bible 1995 ) ? Is non Boaz a close kinsman of ours? Wash and aromatize yourself, and set on your best apparels. Then travel down to the threshing floor, but do non allow him cognize that you are at that place until he has finished feeding and imbibing. When he lies down, note the topographic point and bring out his pess and lie down. He will state you what to do. ? ( The International Inductive survey Bible 1995 ) . Naomi must hold been profoundly concerned for this immature adult female who had showed her so much kindness. It was the terminal of the crop, what would go on to Ruth now? I imagine Naomi day-to-day inquiring the Lord what should be the hereafter of Ruth. As she prayed and sought the Lord he gave her wisdom and way. She was attentive and unfastened to his prima, as we should be. Naomi tel ls her girl in jurisprudence to put at the adult male? s pess and do whatever he tells you. What assurance Naomi had in hearing the Lord and the honourableness of Boaz. Certainly she had heard from God or else why would she inquire Ruth to consist her life. I wonder what the effects would hold been had Boaz behaved himself indifferently towards Ruth. Ruth had the extreme religion and trust in the advice of Naomi for so she went in unto Boaz and lay at his pess. Boaz cognizing at that place was a close kinsman so he did non disgrace Ruth but sent her away full of grain and promises. He besides blesses her for non taking to run after younger or richer work forces so he. Ruth returns place while it is still dark because, Boaz has instructed her to state no 1 that she had spent the dark desiring to protect her from talk within the town. Ruth ran thirstily place to Naomi to state her of the intelligence. What an dying clip waiting to see who would deliver her? Naomi encourages Ruth? Do non worry she says for the adult male will non rest until the affair is settled. ? ( KJV ) Boaz takes the seniors of the town and redeems Ruth harmonizing to their imposts and Torahs. He leaves no room for another to state he has dealt dishonourable with the amah or her female parent in jurisprudence. Boaz obtains the approval of the seniors and takes Ruth to be his married woman. God opens her uterus and she bares him a boy. Ruth gives the kid to Naomi to rise up as her ain. ( Matthew Henry 1952 ) beautiful articulates at that place relationship like this. ? The kid would be a sympathizer to his aged grandma refinisher of her life, and, if there should be an juncture, would hold wherewithal to be the nourisher of her old age? . ( King James Bible ) chapter 17 says? and the adult female her neighbours gave it a name stating, there is a boy born to Naomi ; and they called his name Obed? : he is the male parent of Jesse the male parent of David. We all know our savior the Lord Jesus Christ came from this line of descent. This whole history leads me to believe that the book is an illustration of Jesus? salvation of us. In a little graduated table position merely because no natural adult male could hold done what the Son of God did for us. I believe God was utilizing illustrations to take to the greatest love narrative of all time written this narrative points us to Jesus. The book of Ruth has for old ages held a particular topographic point in my bosom. I? ve frequently compared parts of my life to this narrative. I? ve tried to pattern myself after Ruth? s devotedness to the God of her female parent in jurisprudence that has become her God. When Oprah turned back to her God? s Ruth hung on tighter. She left household, land, and everything she of all time knew for this great love. This narrative means so much to me because when I was 15 I moved to Colorado with my brother, go forthing my parents and household behind. Several months subsequently I met a immature adult male who in clip would go my hubby. I was raised in a place that knew of God but non Jesus is our savior or of his work on the cross. My future mother- in- jurisprudence knew the one true life God. She devoted much clip towards assisting to happen and cognize Jesus as my Jesus, she spent hours praying with me and for me, she gave me all her cognition in the word and challenged me to trave l deeper to seek more and happen hoarded wealths of my ain. My life has been one of following after the God of my female parent in jurisprudence who has now become my God. Like Ruth I have clung to my mother- in- jurisprudence and our God. In 17 fantastic old ages of matrimony, I merely go to my hometown to see. The Lord has genuinely redeemed me. Mention Page The International Inductive Study Bible 1995 Percept Ministries Published by Harvest House Publishers Matthew Henry? s Commentary Joshua to Esther Mac Donald Publishing Company 1708 New King James Version Thomas Nelson Publishers 1979 The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume Ten Robert Appleton Company 1911

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Isoftstone the Globalization of a Chinese IT sourcing and Services Powerhouse

Background information iSoftstone began business in 2001as Beijing iSoftstone technologies Limited. The main pioneer was Tianwen Liu. He owned the company and was known as the core founder. Later in 2005, the company changed its organization and took up the name iSofstone Holdings limited. It had three major branches and was registered in the Cayman Islands. One of its branches was Consulting and Solutions.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Isoftstone: the Globalization of a Chinese IT sourcing and Services Powerhouse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This branch mainly dealt with high end consulting and providing the clients with business reengineering services. The IT services branch provided IT infrastructure services to its clients in China. Lastly, the Business Process Outsourcing Branch provided services such as backend business processing and Call Centre services. These services mainly targeted the US an d European clients. The company became fully operational in 2009. Its various branches were estimated to have earned approximately $134.4 million in total. The Consulting and Solutions branch earned a total of $44.5 million while Business Process Outsourcing earned $3.8 million. During that very year, the IT branch earned a total of $86.1 million. Liu saw an opportunity in the rising demand of IT services in China and the rising interest in offshoring of developing software to China. He had a clear insight as to how exactly he would establish and differentiate ISS. His initial idea had two sides to it when he sought to establish ISS as a leader in the domestic IT services market. Firstly, he knew there was a strong business foundation base upon which to build a global business enterprise. Secondly, an establishment of ISS would attract many US, European and Japanese clients who sought to enter the Chinese market. His main target was the telecommunication, technology, financial servi ces and energy companies. He wanted his company to service customers with IT services that would be initiated through consulting and solution design assignments. This would result in software development projects and business process outsourcing. He hired personnel with proven track records in one or more of the company sectors and with time he managed to acquire small outsourcing companies that allowed his company to build a good basis for human capital and global IT services expertise. Between 2001 and 2010, the company experienced a rapid growth rate and success as a global enterprise.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More His growth in human personnel took place through a two-fold approach to acquiring human capital. First, he actively pursued acquiring domain competencies where the targeted market fit with the ISS market strategy. His previous work relationships with ass ociates that worked in these organizations soon saw them become senior executives within ISS. Secondly, Liu recruited his workers from the Chinese higher education engineering programs. He also partnered locally to establish curricular offerings that would align to the needs of his IT Company. ISS also went ahead and founded a joint venture with Carnegie Mellon University in the US. The main purpose of this venture was to provide training to engineering consultants and junior management. The top third of the graduates were hired by ISS each year. ISS mainly offered three services: consulting and solutions, IT services and business process outsourcing. The successful implementation of these services ensured that customers went back for other ISS services such as software application development and maintenance. They also offer outsourced and development in areas that involve specific areas such as software and hardware devices that contain software applications and systems. iSoftston e Business Model A business model is used to describe how an organization creates, delivers and captures the economic, social or other forms of value (Armstrong, 2006). The collective business model is whereby a business is composed of a large number of businesses or professionals in the same profession. They in turn pool resources and exchange information that is mutually beneficial. iSoftStone has done this by merging with other business enterprises such as Microsoft, IBM, etc. in order to attract international customers. ISSS’S competitive advantages One of its competitive advantages is providing good quality services to its people and hiring qualified personnel with good success records. In addition, the company has a deep and geographically balanced client mix and service capabilities. Another strong asset of the company is its strong domain knowledge and client relationships in target industry verticals (Nag, Hambrick Chen, 2007).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Isoftstone: the Globalization of a Chinese IT sourcing and Services Powerhouse specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company offers end-to-end service offerings and a scalable China –based delivery system that is within the global market reach. Systems of development and management of human capital have been put in place. The company has managed to partner with various other companies such as SunGard in order to offer IT services to clients in the finance and insurance industries in China and across the Asia Pacific region. SunGard is a well-known IT solutions company in the financial and insurance industry. The company currently serves over 25, 000 clients in 70 different countries. SWOT analysis of challenges faced and how to counter them One of the main challenges that the company is facing is how to manage its growth. However, they have turned this challenge into a great opportunity for them. A SWOT ana lysis will be used to analyze the company’s Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. A SWOT analysis can be defined as a planning method that is used to analyze the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats within a particular company. The objective of the business venture and the external and internal factors that favor the attainment of this objective are critically analyzed using this method. The strengths in this case are those factors that give the organization a higher competitive advantage over other businesses. iSoftstone has a higher competitive advantage over other organizations due to the partnerships it has managed to acquire in order to improve its business. For instance, it has partnered with organizations such as Microsoft, IBM, UBS and PetroChina. This put it in a position whereby it was able to get additional client work and product vendor representation. The more these relationships matured, the more the client work increased. In addition, th e company has managed to recruit experts that have a good track record of success. Instead of hiring MBA graduates as most organizations did, Liu preferred to hire senior engineers who had information knowledge technology that would develop a solution set for any client. MBA graduates on the other hand only possessed good analytical skills.Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More China is believed to have an appealing business environment. As compared to India, this is also a leading country in IT outsourcing, China has less English speaking people and a weaker labor force. However, it is geared at improving this situation by introducing English as a language in most school curriculums. This will serve as a great advantage to the country especially since it is also geared toward hard sciences and technology. This will increase its labor force and the IT outsourcing industry will in turn serve a wider English-based clientele. The government promotes the new growth of industries that will replace manufacturing. China can easily use the outsourcing industry to leverage. Since it is people intensive and is an emerging industry, it can be used by China to achieve its goal of sustained self-reliance and an upwards economic growth. China boasts of good infrastructure as compared to its competitor, India, and can therefore utilize this as an asset. In order to ensur e copyright protection, China has adopted strong copyright laws that protect against intellectual copyright infringement. Cultural ties have worked to China’s advantage especially when serving countries in the Asian region. Such countries include Japan which is the world’s second largest economy. It still remains un-penetrated and therefore China remains its primary service provider. Weaknesses are those factors that place the company at a disadvantage over its competitors. iSofstone realized that they needed to penetrate into the Japan and Korea markets. In order to make up for this weakness, Mr. Juro Nakauchi, a former cooperate advisor for iSoftstone was recruited back into the company. His role was to become chairman of the Japan and Korea business group where he would focus on strategic business development and management. This recruitment however presents a certain risk to the company. Competitor companies recognize the value of Mr. Juro and are putting forth eff orts to woo him into their companies. His loyalty may change due to competitive salary packages. In order to counter this risk and minimize the loss that may be incurred should Mr. Juro’s loyalties shift the company needs to build confidence in their entire team such that the relationship value that resides in him will be transferred to the iSoftStone company. Another significant area of weakness is the duplication of efforts, missed opportunities and other inefficiencies caused by a lack of a standardized process that governs the integration of newly acquired business units. In order to effectively counter this risk, the company can benchmark other companies that have successfully executed the growth by acquisition model. The company could then model their approach to match their business and market. Opportunities are those factors that are known to improve the company’s performance in the long run (Moore, 1995). China and India are believed to be the largest markets of outsourcing in the current recession. Companies that seek to outsource to China could be at an advantageous position. This is because China has adequate resources and a higher level of development. iSoftStone, which is a leading IT outsourcing company should take advantage of this opportunity by expanding their customer base to the Western region. This will enable them to build a good reputation which will facilitate negotiation processes. Offshore suppliers prefer to keep a diverse client base because they can handle various tasks and as such, a certain size is helpful to offer a variety of solutions. Size builds up a good reputation and plays an important role in attracting international customers. The increasing number of companies that are looking to China so as to find outsourcing companies that are dependable could provide a good opportunity for iSoftStone. Lastly threats are those elements that could potentially cause trouble for the company. An unfavorable global economy and difficult times make the outsourcing of IT a difficult task. Globalization has called for a need to adjust management models and business strategies. China and India stand at the forefront of the global outsourcing movement. India has a labor force that poses a great threat to China’s outsourcing industry (Duncan, 2010). They have a larger scale and richer international experience in the industry as compared to China. Security threats such as cyber-attacks pose a great threat especially to companies that are looking to gain ground in IT outsourcing in China. Businesses are forced to ensure that security policies are specific and access control systems are up to date. This is done to ensure that there is constant security monitoring especially when working internationally with China. Companies are therefore looking for quality by investing in good governance models that provide good practices for knowledge transfer. A collaboration of the Chinese companies and the governme nt are working hard to ensure that offshoring IT work to China doesn’t necessarily mean a reduction in cost. In order to attract major players worldwide, the Chinese IT industry needs to consolidate. This is due to market fragmentation which is a major threat that is facing IT outsourcing companies. The Chinese IT industry is divided into smaller units and this is not enough to appeal to the international clients. Therefore, what needs to be done is that the companies need to merge and form a single unit that will prove to be solid and reliable. iSofStone has seen this as a major threat and has since tried to merge with other companies in order to increase its size and presence (Intechno China, 2009).. Restrictive government regulations prove to pose a great limitation to China’s IT outsourcing companies. The security of intellectual property of clients calls for a transformation in the organization and structure of China’s software industry. Software copyright piracy needs to be eliminated and this can be facilitated through government efforts. Software copyright piracy is a great threat to China’s IT outsourcing industry. Statistics show that in 2007, most firms were using copyrighted software. As a result, the government ordered that municipal authorities purchase computers that were already pre-installed with licensed software. References Armstrong. M. A. (2006). Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice. Kogan Page, London. Duncan, E. (2010). Outsourcing hubs: China, India, Eastern Europe. Web. Intechno China. (2009). Three Engines for the Growing of Outsourcing Enterprises in Size and Strength the Promotion of Delivery. Web. Moore, M, H. (1995). Creating Public Value: Strategic Management in Government, Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Nag, R, Hambrick, D. C, Chen, M.J. (2007). What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field. Strategic Management Journal. This case study on Isoftstone: the Globalization of a Chinese IT sourcing and Services Powerhouse was written and submitted by user Jabari Gonzalez to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

My Palace

My Palace My Palace I want to live my life without the rush routine. Therefore, I sought for a nice, calm place, where nothing will disturb me. Moreover, I found a place, where I would build my house of dream. Lombok, the island in Indonesia is my place of choice. My house would be a three-floor building made of wood. Garden, mostly strict, but containing bright spots of local flowers, will surround the house. It will be looked after by a gardener, who will live in his own house on its territory. In the backyard of the house there will be a huge swimming pool, with a couple of beach chairs and surrounded with native flora of Indonesia. Next to the swimming pool will be a garage with the car and a boat so I could drive the coastline and to go to sea. There is a lot of free space on the first floor. The parquet floor is made of oak. Near the door, there is a little table with a vintage phone on it. The living room will occupy the largest part of the first floor. There will be a huge plasma hanging over the fireplace. A big sofa and a couple of armchairs, complemented with a large cow skin carpet on the floor, will allow me to relax while watching my favorite programs every day. Bright colors and post-modern paintings, like Andy Warhol works, will cover the walls. All of the furniture on this floor will be made of natural materials, like cherry, but still looking vintage enough due to its 60s and 70s design. The orange-painted wall separates the living room from the dining room and kitchen, with an oak table, huge enough for 6 person and vintage cherry chairs. Candy bottles, plastic tea, coffee, and powder containers, along with old-fashioned salt and paper shakers are occupying shelves above the stove. There my chef would prepare my favorite meals, and traditional dishes. The second floor will be as big as the first one, pretty much the same in design, but separated in more parts. The rooms for guests, chef, and house cleaner will be here. Tiles in different colors will decorate the bathrooms for guests and housekeeping personnel, so they could avoid entering each others rooms. In addition, my working place with my PC and Internet access will be on the second floor. Next to my working place, there will be a room with three closets, built in wall units, and a big mirror, so I could enjoy the dressing process. The basement will be big, but it will not be the basement in this common meaning. My private home theater will occupy the bigger part of it. There will be three rows of extremely soft and comfortable armchairs, going downward to the big screen. Black paint and movie posters, mostly from 60s, will cover the walls. The second part of this place will be my gym. All necessary pieces of gym equipment will be present. The lamps will be built-in in the ceiling; a huge mirror will cover the entire wall. Black-and-white photos of different bodybuilders will cover the white walls. At last, my bedroom and bathroom will occupy entire third floor. Not the walls, but color stripes will separate the bedroom into parts. A combination of green and blue colors on the walls will create the atmosphere of peace and calmness. An old-school alarm clock on the night table, lava lamps of different colors, posters of long gone actors and famous in the mid-century bands, vinyl disk player and dream catcher, hanging over the bed will remind of 60s. The window will be in all length of the wall, and there will be a telescope near it so I could watch the stars at night. This room will also have a large wardrobe, where I will store the clothes for my everyday life. Bathroom will have a jacuzzi in it; light blue tiles will cover the walls and the floor. In addition, I would have a kitchen elevator so I could order some drinks while taking a bath and plasma mounted on the wall. This is how I imagine my house of dream. I will do my best to make this dream come true.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Communication research techniques Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6250 words

Communication research techniques - Essay Example The positivist view is sometimes referred to as a scientist ideology, and is often shared by technocrats who believe in the necessity of progress through scientific progress, and by Naturalism, who argue that any method for gaining knowledge should be limited to natural, physical, and material approaches. As an approach to the philosophy of science deriving from Enlightenment thinkers like Pierre-Simon Laplace (and many others), positivism was first systematically theorized by Comte, who saw the scientific method as replacing metaphysics in the history of thought, and who observed the circular dependence of theory and observation in science. Comte was thus one of the leading thinkers of the social evolutionism thought. Comte was heavily influential to Brazilian thinkers. They turned to his ideas about training scientific elite in order to flourish in the industrialization process. Some Brazilians were intrigued by this model that was present in the French revolution and Enlightenment ideas. However, this created issues with the church because these positivist ideas were secular and encouraged the separation of Church and state. Brazil's national motto, Ordem e Progresso ("Order and Progress") was taken from Comte's positivism, also influential in Poland. Positivism is the most evolved stage of society in anthropological evolutionism, the point where science and rational explanation for scientific phenomena develops. In a positivist view of the world, science was seen as the way to get at truth, to understand the world well enough so that we might predict and control it. ( In light of positivism and post-positivism, researchers and scientists should endeavor to always think about the assumptions made about the world during the conducting of research. Post positivism Post-positivism is also called post-empiricism, and is a meta-theoretical stance following positivism. One major advocate of post-positivism was Sir Karl Popper. Others like Nicholas Rescher and John Dewey have also been mentioned in connection with post positivism. Post positivism is a research position or mentality that recognizes most of the criticisms that have been identified against traditional logical positivism, but is also critical about the misconceptions about positivism itself. Thus, post-positivists believe that human knowledge is not based on unchallengeable, rock-solid foundations; it is conjectural. But they think we do have real grounds, or warrants, for asserting these beliefs or conjectures, although these warrants can be modified or withdrawn in the light of further investigation. ( One very common form of post-positivism is a philosophy known as critical realism. Critical realism postulates that there is a reality that can be scientifically studied, which is independent of our thoughts. This contrasts with the subjectivist view which holds that there is no external reality, and that we are all making this up. Positivists are also realists. The difference between positivism and po

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Justice as a larger loyalty and theory of recognition Essay

Justice as a larger loyalty and theory of recognition - Essay Example Richard Rorty is an American philosopher having graduated from the University of Chicago. He is a man well known in contemporary analytic of philosophy work as well as history of philosophy. In his research and writings towards justice and democracy, Rorty suggested that democracy can only be recognized world wide as moral legitimacy forms of government. From the mere observations, Rorty suggested that democracy establishment and preservation varies from one culture to another hence; democracy is affected by three major problems in general. Justice and democracy depends on the perspective ways of presentation, theoretical point of view and practical form. However, the author in his writings demonstrated distortion of democratic decision making which is brought by disparities in wealth, capitalist economies and reconciliation of democratic values are some of the major problems that democracy and justice meets. In his regards towards justice as a larger loyalty, Rorty believed that mos t of what passes for philosophy facet is puzzled, useless, solving, as well as clever towards culture and real life of people within a given community. The author suggested an aspect of pragmatists towards nature and gave an inquiry that one should simply make on what he or she see happening. In his writing however, the philosopher initiated other fellow to try some new ways of thinking and see the result as suggested.

Monday, November 18, 2019

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in Essay - 1

How convincing is Porter's model of national competitive advantage in explaining the workings and achievements of major nation - Essay Example The claims are based on the total percentage of the entire exports across the entire globe and their relation to the three nations (Hill, 2009). This is an evidence of how Porter created a convincing analysis on his view on national competitiveness. In explaining the national business systems, Porter analyses national business systems by reviewing their input in the global market. He argues that the more exports a nation make the more significance it has in the global market(Thompson, 2004).This way of reviewing national business systems is preferable when comparing the output of nations in the global market. According to Thompson (2004) this method may be however, biased since not all national business systems are based on exports. The author further argues that they are nations with greater G.D.Ps and have very stable economic systems and they have less input in the international market (Thompson, 2004). In using porter’s way of analysis such nations lacks the international standard of competitive advantage. This assumption has created a Porter system that only recognizes the financial stable nations on the global market (Uchida & Cook, 2005). Porter uses the national diamond to show the influence of nations to their local companies. The influence and pressure from a nation will be a great determinant on whether or not the organizations attain an international competitive advantage. Nations provide support and resources to specific countries which then generate outstanding products and income. However, analysts argue that this diamond structure is usually biased depending on mutual agreement by both parties. For instance, an organization may enter into a deal with a government to share a certain percentage of their profits in exchange for support and resources. In such a scenario the market becomes unbalanced (Smit, 2010). However, this strategy is used by states to strengthen their international market significance. In an argument by Smit (2010) the g reater the significance in the international market the greater income through partnerships and revenues. The author further argues that, state governments use the national diamond to help the nation gain greater competitive advantage in the international market. This automatically raises the economic status of an organization. In support of the national diamond strategy, Porter claims that it improves specialization and the quality of goods produced in a country (Schott, 2004). He gave an example with Denmark and its influence in the global market in terms of export of insulin. The Danish government has significantly alleviated the production of insulin and treatment of diabetes in the country. It has provided resources, diplomatic and economic support for this project (Peng, 2009). The impact of this move is significant to the whole industry. Denmark is the leading exporter of insulin in the globe. Minus the support from the government this achievement would not have been possible (Peng, 2009). In Holland there is a premier research institute which focuses on cultivation, shipping and packaging of flowers. This project is almost a sole project of the Holland government that is supplied with resources and labor from the body. After this intervention Holland has become the leading exporter of flowers in the globe (Salvatore, 2002). This shows how great significance government support is on an organization. However, Porter

Friday, November 15, 2019

Post Operative Outcome of Extended Nasolabial Flaps

Post Operative Outcome of Extended Nasolabial Flaps TITLE: Reconstruction of post release intraoral Oral Submucous Fibrosis defects by Extended Naso-Labial flaps versus Platysma myocutaneous muscle flaps: A Comparative Study. ABSTRACT- We compared post operative outcome of extended Nasolabial flaps with Platysma myocutaneous muscle flaps, in the management of 20 randomly selected patients with histologically confirmed oral submucous fibrosis. Patients and Methods: All patients in the study were treated by release of fibrous bands and bilateral coronoidectomy. In addition reconstruction was done in ten patients with extended nasolabial flaps (Nasolabial group) and in another ten patients with platysma myocutaneous muscle flaps (Platysma group). In the nasolabial group the mean preoperative interincisal mouth opening was 12 mm (range 3-14 mm) and in platysma group it was 11 mm (~ 3-13 mm). Vigorous post-operative physiotherapy was advised to all 20 patients and they were followed up for next 3 years .The interincisal mouth opening improved to 47 mm (~35-51 mm) in the nasolabial group and 48 mm (~ 41-52 mm) in the platysma group. Conclusion: Both the procedures were equally effective in management of oral submucous fibrosis in terms of postoperative interincisal mouth opening. However the facial extra-oral scars were not aesthetically acceptable in the nasolabial group, which were prevented when Platysmal myocutaneous muscle flaps were used for the reconstruction of post release oral submucous fibrosis defects. INTRODUCTION Oral submucous fibrosis is an insidious, chronic, disabling disease of obscure aetiology that affects the entire oral cavity, sometimes the pharynx and rarely the larynx. It is characterised by blanching and stiffness of oral mucosa, which causes progressive limitations of mouth opening and intolerance to hot and spicy food. It is an established precancerous condition which is seen mostly in the Indian subcontinent. Its precancerous nature was first described by Paymaster 1, who recorded the onset of slowly growing squamous cell carcinomas in one third of the patients. Murti et al, 2 reported the malignant transformation of oral submucous fibrosis. As the aetiology is uncertain, its treatment has largely been symptomatic and various treatments have been described vastly in literature with inconsistent results. In this study, two techniques for the closure of post release oral submucous fibrosis defects were compared. The importance of coronoidectomy was emphasised and two local flaps were used for reconstruction. We hypothecated that the platysma myocutaneous muscle flaps would be a better option than extended nasolabial flaps in terms of unaesthetic extraoral facial scars for the management of oral submucous fibrosis.3,4,5. PATIENTS AND METHODS Twenty consecutive patients who were treated at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, SDKS Dental College and Hospital, Hingna, Nagpur (18 men and 2 women aged between 18 to 41 yrs of age), were randomly selected for this retrospective study. The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee. No patient had preoperative interincisal opening more than 25mm. Following aseptic precautions, all patients were intubated using the fibreoptic bronchoscope and operated under general anaesthesia. Incisions were made using an electrosurgical knife from the corner of the mouth to the soft palate at the level of the linea alba avoiding injury to the Stenson’s duct. The bands were cut and the interincisal opening recorded. The coronoid processes were approached via the same incision and bilateral coronoidectomy or coronoidotomy was done. The maxillary and mandibular third molars were extracted. In the nasolabial group, extended nasolabial flaps as described by Borle et al 4, were raised for grafting from the tip of nasolabial fold to the inferior border of the mandible. The flaps were raised bilaterally in the plane of the superficial musculo-aponeurotic system from both terminal points to the region of the central pedicle. The diameter of the pedicle was roughly 1cm and it was distanced 1cm lateral to the corner of the mouth (Fig. 1). The flap was transposed intraorally through a small trans-buccal tunnel near the commissure of the mouth without tension. The inferior wing of the flap was sutured to the anterior edge of the defect, while the superior wing was sutured to the posterior edge of the defect. The extraoral defect was closed primarily in layers after liberal undermining of the skin in the subcutaneous plane to prevent any tension across the suture line. In the platysma group, a superiorly based platysma myocutaneous muscle flap was raised as described by D.A Baur 5 and used for reconstruction of the intraoral defects. With the neck hyper extended, the proposed skin paddle was outlined on the ipsilateral neck, below the inferior border of the mandible (Fig. 2). The superior incision was made first and the plane superficial to the platysma muscle was dissected carefully cephalic to the inferior border of the mandible. A skin incision was then made at the inferior line of the skin paddle, with additional exposure of the platysma muscle inferiorly. The platysma muscle was transected sharply at least 1cm inferior to the edge of skin paddle, and a subplatysmal plane of dissection developed just below the inferior border of the mandible. If the cervical branch of the facial nerve was to be incorporated, it was necessary to identify the nerve in the superficial layer of deep cervical fascia with careful dissection and preservation of its pr oximal portion. Once the plane of dissection was fully developed, the platysma myocutaneous flap was transected vertically, anteriorly and posteriorly for its full mobilisation. The flap was then introduced into the oral defect by creating an appropriately sized soft tissue tunnel. The harvested flap was sutured to the defect, which was created by release of the fibrous bands. The donor site was easily closed in layers, totally avoiding any unacceptable facial scar and obtaining by far a much better cosmetic result (as shown in Fig. 3b). A soft temporomandibular joint trainer was placed in the oral cavity post operatively for 10 days to prevent dehiscence of the flap, as result of occlusal trauma. After a latent period of 10 days, physiotherapy was started with the help of Hister’s jaw exerciser to prevent contracture and relapse. The patients were instructed about the exercises and mandated to do them for the next 6 months until they were followed up in the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. We used the Student’s unpaired t test for statistical analysis of the study. RESULTS There were 2 groups of 10 patients each, one of which had nasolabial flaps, and the other platysma myocutaneous flaps.The differences in mouth opening were as shown in Table 1. All patients in nasolabial group developed extra-oral facial scars, compared with none in the platysma group. The differences in mouth opening before and after the surgery were almost similar in both groups (p) There were some complications in the nasolabial group including partial flap necrosis, particularly at the tips, temporary widening of oral commissure, unsightly extra oral scars as shown in (Fig. 3a), subluxation of the Temporomandibular Joint, perforation of the palate and intraoral growth of hair. In the platysma group, few patients developed temporary paraesthesia, which was noticed over the lateral cervical region, subluxation of the mandible and scars over the lower neck region which were usually covered by the shirt’s collar and not visible extra orally on the face. There were no delayed complications in the platysma group, but 2 patients in the nasolabial group had a â€Å"fish mouth† deformity, even after a year (Table 2). DISCUSSION The treatment of oral submucous fibrosis is mainly symptomatic, as the aetiology is not clearly understood and it is of progressive nature. Conservative treatments include multi-vitamins, iron supplementation and intra-lesional injections of hyaluronidase, placental extracts and steroids to name a few. Submucosal injections of various drugs may produce temporary symptomatic relief but can lead to aggravated fibrosis, pronounced trismus and increased morbidity from mechanical injury, secondary to the needle prick injury 6. Different treatment plans and surgical interventions have been proposed by various authors with variable success rates. Excision of fibrous bands and propping the mouth open to allow secondary epithelisation is known to cause rebound fibrosis during healing. The release of fibrous bands followed by split thickness skin grafting results in high recurrence rate following contracture. The survival of full thickness skin grafts is questionable. The use of an island palatal flap based on the greater palatine artery was recommended by Khanna et al., but has limitations including involvement of donor tissue with the limited reach of the flap, as well as the need to extract the maxillary second molar tooth, so that the flap is not under tension.7 The bilateral tongue flap causes severe dysphagia, disarticulation, and it carries unwarranted risk of aspiration. It also provides a limited amount of donor tissue as its reach is inadequate. The doubtful stability of tongue flaps and their dehiscence are the most common post operative complications caused due to uncontrolled tongue movements.8 Buccal fat pads may also be used to cover the defects after excision of fibrous bands and also as their harvest is simple. However in patients with chronic disease they are likely to be atrophic. In addition, the anterior reach of buccal fat pads is inadequate and thus the region anterior to the cuspids often is required to be left raw; which therefore heals by secondary intention and subsequent fibrosis, leading to gradual relapse. 9 Bilateral radial forearm flaps are hairy, and nearly half the patients require a secondary debulking procedure. Facilities for free tissue transfer are not universally available. 10 Caniff et al 11 recommended temporal myotomy or coronoidectomy to release severe trismus caused by the atrophic changes in the tendon of the temporalis muscle secondary to the disease. If the mouth opening was still less than 35 mm after bilateral fibrotomy, then for every case bilateral coronoidectomy was done, which increases the per-operative mouth opening. Complications like extra oral facial scars and intraoral growth of hair were common observation in our study when extended nasolabial flaps were used for reconstruction of defects. The patient’s compliance was not very good as far as facial aesthetics were concerned in the nasolabial group. These issues are taken care of when the platysma myocutaneous flap is harvested. The technique of platysma muscle flap however is more challenging as compared to that of extended nasolabial flap and needs to be mastered properly. CONCLUSION Surgical management of oral sub mucous fibrosis not only permits mouth opening but also facilitates the oral examinations for early detection and timely management of malignant transformation. This comparative study of Nasolabial flaps versus Platysma myocutaneous muscle flaps for reconstruction of intraoral post release oral submucous fibrosis defects emphasises on avoiding the extra oral facial scars in the patient. The postoperative mouth opening three years after surgery was comparable in both the techniques, however with better aesthetic outcomes in the platysmal group. We recommend the use of platysma muscle flap as compared to the extended nasolabial flap for reconstruction of the intraoral defects after release of oral sub mucous fibrosis .The facial aesthetics are not compromised in this technique. The risk of broadening of the commissure and pinched appearance of the lips are subsequently avoided. As the incision is far away from the face, and situated infero-laterally on the neck, the scars are hidden underneath the shirt’s collar, without hampering the facial aesthetics, avoiding an unsightly facial scar and ultimately resulting in better patient compliance and acceptance in today’s conscious society.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Essay --

In the novel Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà «, Jane isn’t really social. In her early childhood she was very much isolated. Her aunt and cousins didn’t like her so they didn’t deal with her. Jane was comfortable being away because she would always get in trouble. Jane would either defend herself or just be picked on and she gets in trouble. Jane found ways to cope with being isolated, she was different and she was fine with that. After Jane has been at Thornfield for a while, she is somewhat frightened by the laughing she hears while a fire breaks out in Mr. Rochester’s room. The frightening laugh gets Jane wondering if that person has committed this. Jane is able to put the fire out and save Mr. Rochester. After the fire incident, Mr. Rochester leaves for about a week or so. Since Jane and Mr. Rochester are secretly in love she constantly wonders when he is coming back. When he writes and says that he will be back soon with guests, the house begins to get ready because they don’t usually have guests. When everyone arrives, Jane sees that Mr. Rochester is sitting next to a women name B...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Family Practices Essay

Parents have the big responsibility of rearing their children in the best way they can. They have a lot of investment towards their children to bring them up in the most righteous way. Parents impart knowledge, values and even some of their known practices which they grew up with. There are so many common practices imparted to us by our parents. These practices revolve maybe on simple things such as eating together during dinner and saying a prayer before we sleep. Our family believes in the power of herbal medicine that would be able to heal our illnesses. Herbal medicines are kind of medicines that come from plants (Bupa’s Health Information Team, 2007). An herb is a plant that is commonly used because of its flavor, scent and medicinal properties. Many of these herbs are processed and are available in the market is various forms such as tablets, capsules, teas, etc. but there are still some herbal medicine that may cause threat is people’s health. Some may cause health problems and some may not interact well with other drugs (â€Å"Herbal Medicine†, 2009). The Western hemisphere has long abandoned the used of the herbal medicines due to the advancement of technology and healthcare that is able to provide a single medicine that will cure illnesses. Many people, professional and lay individuals, do not know that plants may be able to provide useful health benefits. The benefits of the plants are in the form of alternative and complementary medicines and many people consider it as irrelevant part of folk times (Ernst, 2000). This nontraditional health practice has been passed on my family through generations. Not only able to preserve our family solidarity but our health as well. References Bupa’s Health Information Team. (2007, August). Herbal Medicine. Bupa. Retrieved January 20, 2009 from Ernst, E. (2000). Herbal Medicine: A Concise Overview for Professionals. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. Herbal Medicine. (2009, January 13). Medline Plus. Retrieved January 20, 2009 from

Friday, November 8, 2019

College Paper on Ethics

College Paper on Ethics College Paper on Ethics It is truly a quite difficult task to find the exact definition of what ethics is. Peoples understanding of what is right and what is wrong differs, and the notion of ethics depends on peoples views and opinions as well. But it would be wrong to define ethics as something that people feel they can do because it is right for them. Peoples understanding of it may be deviated, moreover people cannot judge every situation with a clear head and do it objectively. Some people define ethics as a type of behavior that is acceptable by a society. However that is also not true. The society consists of separate individuals, and they may also have various points of view concerning what ethics is. We can also remember facts from history of the humanity where societies were deceived by the state, and the latter used propaganda in order to create public mood that could be used for states own purposes. Just think of German society during Hitlers rule. Similar to social-accepted rules, ethics can also be viewed as a synonym of law. However laws can be written by those who are not ethical at all. Laws are often changed which means they are not perfect and constantly need to be improved. Moreover, as we have already mentioned, peoples understanding of ethics can be deviated, and such deviation can be later result in the laws. Ethics is often identified with religion. However there is one question to ask that will probably prove that this idea is wrong: are atheists ethical? Looking at ethics just from the perspective of religion automatically makes all the other people unethical. We wont argue that religion does not encourage people to be more ethical, but if we compare religion and ethics, the latter notion is a wider one. David B. Resnik defines ethics as â€Å"norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable behavior † (Resnik). He also states that people usually learn moral norms in various social settings, such as home, school, church, etc. However the ethical development of a person is a process that happens throughout the whole life. Some people also consider ethical norms to be common-sense. But there is a question asked by this scientist: â€Å"if morality were nothing more than common sense, then why are there so many ethical disputes and issues in our society?† (Resnik). The point is that there can be one common ethical norm for at least two people, for example. But their understanding and interpretation of what is ethical and what is not may differ. Thats why people who share similar ethical norms may turn out to act differently in various situations. Thats why the main purpose of studying ethics nowadays is not to define strict norms for conduct (which, in fact, would be almost impossible), but rather to learn the mechanism of interpretation of these norms. Reznik D.B. What is Ethics in Research Why is it Important? 2011. Web. Velasquez M., Andre C., Shanks T., S.J., and Meyer M.J. What is Ethics? 2010. Web. Tips on Writing a Good College Paper The key to any type of writing is brainstorming. You should write down everything that comes into your mind, relating to ethics  topic. Use the results of your brainstorming to write an outline. This will help you draft your ethics college paper. Do not waste your time on proofreading the paper while you are writing a draft, just let the words flow. When you are finished with the draft, you will get a more clear picture whether you have added enough valuable information. Additionally, you will see if you have all main parts of your ethics paper, such as introduction, main body and conclusion. Our online paper writing service will provide you with a high-quality customized paper on ethics written by experts. Try our service!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Mary Easty - Salem Witch Trials

Mary Easty - Salem Witch Trials Mary Easty Facts Known for: hanged as a witch in the 1692 Salem witch trialsAge at time of Salem witch trials: about 58Dates: baptized August 24, 1634, died September 22, 1692Also known as: Mary Towne, Mary Town, Mary Esty, Mary Estey, Mary Eastey, Goody Eastie, Goody Easty, Mary Easte, Marah Easty, Mary Estick, Mary Eastick Family background: Her father was William Towne and her mother Joanna (Jone or Joan) Blessing Towne, accused once of witchcraft herself. William and Joanna arrived in America around 1640. Among Marys siblings were Rebecca Nurse (arrested March 24 and hanged June 19) and Sarah Cloyse (arrested April 4, case dismissed January 1693). Mary married Isaac Easty, a well-to-do farmer born in England, around 1655 - 1658. They had eleven children, seven alive in 1692. They lived in Topsfield, rather than either Salem Town or Village. Salem Witch Trials Rebecca Nurse, Mary Eastys sister and a well-respected matron, was denounced as a witch by Abigail Williams and arrested on March 24. Their sister, Sarah Cloyce, defended Rebecca, and was ordered arrested on April 4. Sarah was examined on April 11. A warrant was issued for Mary Eastys arrest on April 21, and she was taken into custody. The next day, she was examined by John Hathorne and Jonathan Corwin, as were Nehemiah Abbott Jr., William and Deliverance Hobbs, Edward Bishop Jr. and his wife Sarah, Mary Black, Sarah Wildes, and Mary English. During Mary Eastys examination, Abigail Williams, Mary Walcott, Ann Putnam Jr., and John Indian said that she was hurting them, and that their mouths were stopt. Elizabeth Hubbard cried Goody Easty you are the woman.... Mary Easty maintained her innocence. Rev. Samuel Parris took the notes on the examination. E: I will say it, if it was my last time, I am clear of this sin.Of what sin?E: Of witchcraft. Despite her assertions of innocence, she was sent to jail. On May 18, Mary Easty was set free; existing records do not show why. Two days later, Mercy Lewis experienced new afflictions, and she and several other girls claimed to see Mary Eastys specter; she was charged again and arrested in the middle of the night. Immediately, Mercy Lewiss fits ceased. More evidence was gathered by deposition and during several days of examination of Mary Easty in late May. A jury of inquest considered Mary Eastys case on August 3-4 and heard testimony of many witnesses. In September, officials gathered witnesses for the trial of Mary Easty among others. On September 9, Mary Easty was pronounced guilty of witchcraft by a trial jury and sentenced to death. Also found guilty that day were Mary Bradbury, Martha Corey, Dorcas Hoar, Alice Parker, and Ann Pudeator. She and her sister, Sarah Cloyce, petitioned the court together for a fayre and equall hearing of evidence for them as well as against them. They argued that they had no opportunity to defend themselves and were not allowed any counsel and that spectral evidence was not dependable. Mary Easty also added a second petition with a plea was focused more on others than herself: I petition your honors not for my own life, for I know I must die, and my appointed time is set .... if it be possible, that no more blood be shed. On September 22, Mary Easty, Martha Corey (whose husband Giles Corey had been pressed to death on September 19), Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Ann Pudeator, Wilmott Redd, Margaret Scott, and Samuel Wardwell were hanged for witchcraft. Rev. Nicholas Noyes officiated at this last execution in the Salem witch trials, saying after the execution, What a sad thing it is to see eight firebrands of hell hanging there. In a quite different spirit, Robert Calef described Mary Eastys end in his later book, More Wonders of the Invisible World: Mary Easty, Sister also to Rebecka Nurse, when she took her last farewell of her Husband, Children and Friends, was, as is reported by them present, as Serious, Religious, Distinct, and Affectionate as could well be expressed, drawing Tears from the Eyes of almost all present. After the Trials In November, Mary Herrick testified that Mary Eastys ghost visited her and said that she was innocent. In 1711, Mary Eastys family received 20 pounds compensation and Mary Eastys attainder was reversed. Isaac Easty died on June 11, 1712.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Explain the course of the First Roman Civil War Essay

Explain the course of the First Roman Civil War - Essay Example To counter the Germanic invasions, Gaius Marius recruited a large number of people from the non-propertied class into the army. After expiry of their stint with the army, with no farms to return to, they depended on their generals for livelihood. The Generals utilized the power of the following to their advantage to wrest more authority. The first successful military coup was that of Sulla in 88 BC. Sulla made efforts to set right the situation but the power-hungry generals sabotaged the settlement after he died and that led to the war between Pompey and Caesar. Caesar won and appointed himself as the dictator for life. Before that he continued to destroy the resistance and in 46 BC he reached Iberia to fight war for the defeat of sons of Pompey. By temperament Caesar was a democratic ruler and he argued, â€Å"There shall be free elections and the Senate and the Roman people shall be in full control of the government. To facilitate this and fix the terms and ratify them with an oath, I suggest that Pompey either comes to meet me or allows me to meet him. By submitting our differences, to mutual discussion, we shall settle them all.†(40) But he was assassinated by some senators led by one of his close friends, Brutus, and the situation was out of hand again. His heir Augustus (former Octavian) with Mark Anthony fought against the killers and defeated them. They ruled the empire but war erupted amongst these two as well and Anthony was defeated. The shrewd Octavian succeeded in hammering out the settlement to restore the Republic, assumed reserve powers to control the legions and stalled the competition amongst the ambitious generals. He defeated Anthony and Cleopatra (who committed suicide) and declared himself as the Emperor of Rome in

Friday, November 1, 2019

Economist Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Economist Report - Essay Example Ricardo was elected to the British parliament in 1819 as an independent representative of a borough in Ireland, Portarlington, which he served till his death in 1823. David Ricardo, lived in the times just at the beginning of the Industrial revolution and this is what perhaps influences his thinking on 'Machinery' (discussed below). Ricardo took a keen interest in the study of economics and formulated the 'Classical' system of political economy. His interest in economics was sparked by a chance reading of Adam Smith's 'The Wealth of Nations' while on vacation in 1799, in which Adam Smith focuses most of his attention on the problem of economic growth and his belief that an evolving capitalist system could benefit society as a whole. According to Smith's analysis the economy possesses unlimited upward potential. Ricardo's first written comments on economics appear to be two essays written in 1810 and 1811 (The High Price of Bullion, a Proof of the Depreciation of Bank Notes) articulating his position in favour of the 'Bullionist' position. He argued in favour of a metallic currency, giving a fresh stimulus to the controversy about the policy of the Bank of England. This has since become known as the classical approach to the theory of money, which argued for the resumption of the convertibility of paper money into gold. The Bullion Committee appointed by the House of Commons in 1819 confirmed Ricardo's views and recommended the repeal of the Bank Restriction Act. Ricardo was a firm believer in Say's Law that states that there can be no demand without supply and that recession does not occur because of failure in demand or lack of money. In these tracts Ricardo also suggested the impossibility of a 'general glut', or an excess supply of all goods in an economy as proposed by Thomas Robert Malthus. This provoked a debate with Malthus that culminated in Ricardo writing a series of notes on Mathus's 1820 'principles'. These notes were published posthumously as Notes on Malthus. In 1815 he published his first complete work 'Essay on the Influence of a Low Price of Corn on the Profits of Stock' where he introduced the differential theory of rent and the "law of diminishing returns" to land cultivation. He argued that raising the duties on imported grain had the effect of increasing the price of corn and hence increasing the incomes of landowners and the aristocracy at the expense of the working classes and the rising industrial class. In Essay Ricardo formulated his theory of distribution in a one-commodity ("corn") economy. With wages at their "natural" level, Ricardo argued that rate of profit and rents were determined residually in the agricultural sector. He then used the concept of arbitrage to claim that the agricultural profit and wage rates would be equal to the counterparts in industrial sectors. With this theory, he could show that a rise in wages did not lead to higher prices, but merely lowered profits. Ricardo took economics to an unprecedented degree of theoretical sophistication by formalising the 'Classical' system more clearly and consistently than anyone before had done and what became known as the "Classical" or"Ricardian" School (of thought). In

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare Coursework

Implications of Health Economic Concepts for Healthcare - Coursework Example In the health care, accesses to medical services are always on high demand. However, there is a shortage of medical practitioners who can help in treating people (Edwards, 2001). This has an effect of increasing the medical costs that entrepreneurs will charge. This is because there is a shortage of medical practitioners, and the demand is high for the services of these practitioners. Another example is on generic drugs. Because of the many and great supply of these drugs, they are cheap when compared to the original version of these drugs (Ko, 2013). The law of supply and demand denotes that when supply is high, then the prices of the products will be low. The experiences of a variety of health care organizations are able to demonstrate the fact that the demand of health care services is not insatiable, and they are predictable. It is possible to predict the advice, appointment, or the message of a health care service provider, basing on time, population, and scope of the practice of the provider (Dalton, 2012). It is possible to anticipate periods of low or high demand by analyzing the demand data that is collected, based on the requests recorded in electronic health registers, or accounting books. An health care system can use these predictions for purposes of matching the supply of its services to the various needs of patients for a particular service (Lee and Kim, 2012). Most people believe that the demand for health care services is inelastic. For example if a person is sick, then he or she will not be very sensitive to price. A person suffering from malaria, typhoid, etc, will pay the price of medical treatment, irrespective on whether it is low, or high. However, the exception to this principles or rules touches on the purchase of eye glasses, plastic surgery, elective surgery, etc. These are considered luxurious health care services, and it is only for the preserve of the rich (Dalton, 2012). In

Monday, October 28, 2019

FIFA World Cup 2014 In Brazil Essay Example for Free

FIFA World Cup 2014 In Brazil Essay In 2014 Brazil will host one of the most important competitions for the sports. It is the FIFA world cup. It will be the 20th official FIFA world cup and it will happen between June 12 and July 14 of 2014. This is the 20th edition of this competition and will be contested by the mens national teams from the 208 member associations of the FIFA. Brazil will be host the competition for the second time. The first time was in 1950 right after the World War 2. The two world cups before the one in 1950 got canceled because of the war. Seventeen cities showed interest in being chosen as world cup host cities, but usually FIFA only approves 8 to 10 cities so they ended up choosing 12 cities in 12 different states. The final game will happen in Rio de Janeiro at the Macarana stadium. The opening ceremony was supposed to happen at Sao Paulo’s football club stadium but technical problems wouldn’t allow it so a brand new stadium will be built just for the world cup. Rio de Janeiro is one of the most popular cities and is the second largest cities of Brazil, containing 6.3 million people and it is very famous for the samba, carnival and the Christ of Redeemer. Maracana is their principal and biggest stadium. It was built for the world cup in 1050. It was renovated in 2006 and fits 82 000 people but in the days it used to fit almost 200 000 people. Sao Paulo is also a popular city. Sao Paulo is the largest city in South and Central America. The population use a lot of public transportation because cars are v ery expensive and there is a lot of traffic. Sao Paulo is known as the â€Å"motor of the economy† because a lot of big companies has their bases in Sao Paulo.