Friday, February 28, 2020

Introdcutory for protfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Introdcutory for protfolio - Essay Example The most important tutor who had influenced my English skills a lot is the Dictionary. It helped me immensely in my first assignment. It is not only my tutor but also my best friend. Whenever I have trouble in reading, it is always there to help me in understanding word by word in the context and even translate these words to my first language. So, I can understand the meaning of the articles, which I read, more easily. Furthermore, the most significant work it has done to me is pointing out the correct words which I require in my writing. Because of it, I am able to express my viewpoints more clear and explicit with elegant sentences. When I got my second essay assignment, I was out of any idea and information to write. I had never touched the area of political cheating. I could see that the evil of despair waving to me and calling me to its dark world. Fortunately, my heroic tutor came out from its digital kingdom and slew this evil. It is called the Search Engine. It can quickly find the information I want because it had broad connections to many experts all over the world. Mr. Engine is also like a history teacher. It knows all news that happened in the past. Therefore, I was able to get the information about politicians’ cheat. In addition, when I had difficulty using the citation into my essay, it provided me with many different citation styles and taught me about how to use them. It is definitely a great tutor when I need a fast source and instant live teaching for my writing. The last tutor that facilitated me is the father of Search Engine and is called the Library. It was the one which made me competent enough to finish my myth essay. It is old and slow but it has more knowledge than its son. It can explain things in specific detail. Because of Library’s support, I learned a lot of information about myth of horoscopes. It told me about who the ancestor of horoscopes was and why it was not true. Library also has taught me that writing a

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Does international law function effectively Essay

Does international law function effectively - Essay Example If we expand the definition to include nation states and simplify it somewhat we can say that any particular act can be seen as a crime if the international community defines it as such3.This is clearly the state of affairs when one examines the current state and the historical foundations of international law where crimes were said to be committed when countries broke agreements with each other, went back on treaties signed with groups of other nations, ignored international decisions or behaved in a inappropriate manner4 for a nation that wishes to be integrated into the larger global cooperative system that is currently taking place in the history of civilisation5. While this may show that international law and regulations have failed, it cab be shown that the law itself has not failed rather it is application of the law which has missed the mark completely. As a basic element of civilized living, it seems that the idea for not breaking any rules and following the law is ingrained into the members of a group simply because without respect for and agreement on certain rules, a society could completely fall under anarchy. To maintain laws, there is also the intimidation of punishment linked to breaking the laws but if a country or a ruler of a country knows that they can get away with it then it would be unlikely that they would continue to follow the law without incredible self restraint6. Even on an individual level, a society where certain powerful members or the elite play give little regard to the laws of the collective, the society can eventually get to a position where the law is utterly powerless and in many ways, this idea certainly applies to the global arena7. As there are lawgivers and lawbreakers in the global arena, there are also people and organisations responsible for keeping the law. In a city, town or country, it is relatively easy to enforce the law mainly because jurisdiction issues are not present. However, in the case of