Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Problems Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorder

Due to confidentiality concerns some identifying information has been changed to protect the identity of those involved. BD is a 6 year old male who has been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. He is enrolled in an intensive behavioural intervention program at PS Center with an upcoming discharge scheduled in September of this year. This IBI program falls under the T*** organization and is fully funded by the Government of Ontario. Due to the age of the client his guardians make decisions regarding his care, education, program and treatment options. History: This is the first behaviourally based program that the client has received. However, BD has had prior treatment assistance from an occupational therapist, a speech language pathologist, and a family support coach. Current behaviour protocols in place are to counteract the inappropriate groin touching behaviour. The protocol is as follows: if the behaviour, groin touching, occurs during a group activity, recess, or a dyad session the behaviour is to be ignored. However, if the behaviour is presented at snack or a 1:1 session then once presented one is to issue a vocal instruction of â€Å"Hands.† Prompts are to go from least to most to assist in redirecting BD to â€Å"neutral hands†. Prompt levels, from least to most, involve: vocal with model, vocal with partial physical (touch wrists), and, if required, vocal with full physical (hand over hand). This client has not displayed any anxious, hostile orShow MoreRelatedProblems Associated With Autism Spectrum Disorde r1953 Words   |  8 PagesControversies in Treating Autism Spectrum Disorder According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 68 children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or more commonly referred to as autism yearly (â€Å"Autism Spectrum Disorder†). 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